Easter Baskets for Mary's Place is an outreach program during Lent.
Mary's Place offers transitional apartments for homeless families with children. This building was named after and dedicated to the Blessed Mother Mary. This beautiful complex was born out of love, compassion and concern for women and children in poverty. Mary's Place was built entirely with private donations and these 100 fully-furnished appartments give safety and hope to all who occupy them. To read more about Mary's Place, click HERE. During Lent, check the bulletin or the home page on the website for when collection for donations will begin. Purchasing of the supplies begins within the first few weeks of Lent, and donation received helps to defray the cost. When donationare being accepted, place in the collection basket, bring to the parish office or donate online (during Lent) from our "Giving" page HERE. Look for "Easter Basket-Service Project" in the list for areas to donate. For check donations, please note “Easter Baskets” in the memo line, and note “Easter Basket” on the envelope for monetary donations.