Each parish is required by Canon Law to have a Finance Council which serves as a consultative group to the pastor and to the parish trustees regarding all church financial matters (that is to say, the pastor must seek advice from the Committee but it does not vote democratically to set a direction.) The officers of the Finance Council are Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary - all officers are lay members appointed by the pastor to work as a team with the other Finance Council members. At IHM, there are currently seven lay members and two ex-officio members (Pastor and Business Administrator). The Parish Finance Council reviews budgets, ensures adequate resources for managing the facilities, promotes the financial health of the parish and assures accountability by assisting the pastor with his temporal responsibilities.
While the Parish Finance Council does not have decision making authority, they serve a key role in providing the pastor financial and administrative counsel. Therefore, the pastor and the members of the Parish Finance Council must be oriented to sharing information, listening, contributing to the discussion, and promoting consensus.
Erin Raden, Chair
Ed Ring, Trustee
Mike Tvrdik, Trustee
Allie Bollig
Mike Fynboh
Matt Magnuson
Jason Meyer
Peter Wheeler
Nina Wilson
Finance Council Application