Funeral arrangements for a loved one at the time of death can be overwhelming. Our prayers are with you and your family during this time of grief and loss. Information below might be helpful if you are considering Immaculate Heart of Mary as the place for the funeral of your loved one, and our Pastoral Ministry can provide support for you and your family.
Visitations are normally one hour before the Funeral Mass.
This ministry will work with your Caterer to arrange for a delivery time and Good Sams will set up and serve the food. Immaculate Heart of Mary will provide condiments and beverages (coffee and water) as well as place settings for the tables (i.i., place mats, silverware, etc.). Good Sams will also do clean-up of the room after the luncheon. When you contact the Parish Office to begin planning and determine the date of the funeral, we will also provide you with the Good Sams' contact, who will also have the names of the Caterers in the area.