You can read about some of the many ministry opportunities available at IHM. Our participation makes our Parish a strong faith community. Thank you for participating financially and sharing your gifts of time and talent. If you have any questions or if you want to participate, please call the contact person identified with each ministry or the Parish office at 952-935-1432.
Faith Formation: Offers formational programs for those from three years old through adult.
Adult Faith Formation: Contact: Marianne Charbonneau at 952-935-1432.
Bible Study: either topical or study of particular book of the Bible; held for 8 weeks in the fall and spring. Materials are provided in advance and participants prepare at home and attend small group meetings each week at IHM.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a guided process for those who wish to enter the Catholic Church. Sponsors mentor candidates during their year-long faith conversion journey, participate in discussion sessions, and assist the candidate’s integration into the Catholic community.
Lenten Adult Faith Formation: Guided book study where participants meet for guided small group discussions.
Adult Faith Formation on Varied Topics: Offered throughout the year. See the bulletin or contact the Faith Formation Coordinator for more information.
Sacramental Programs: Contact: Marianne Charbonneau at 952-935-1432.
Confirmation: Decision Point is currently the program our Confirmation Class is using. Confirmation Small Group Leaders are needed to lead a group of 4-6 candidates as they prepare for Confirmation. Contact Sam Schepers at 952-935-1432.
First Eucharist and First Reconciliation: Parents are provided materials to educate their children with the support from the Sacramental Coordinator. Each sacrament has a parent session and one parent/child activity session that take place during the preparation time. Reconciliation preparation takes place in the fall and Eucharist preparation takes place starting in early winter with reception of the Eucharist taking place in early spring.
Baptism and RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children):
Infant (0-2 years of age) – Contact the parish office 952-935-1432
Children (3 years or older) – Contact the parish office at 952-935-1432.
Religious Education: Contact: Marianne Charbonneau at 952-935-1432.
Children's Liturgy of the Word: most Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Mass from Sept. through mid-April - currently suspended due to COVID-19 protocols.
Elementary: Grades 1 through 6 is held on Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30PM
Junior High: Grades 7 through 9 is held on Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30PM
Children's Liturgy of the Word Share the Gospel story during 10:30am Mass on Sunday. October through mid-May. Marianne Charbonneau at 952-935-1432.
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Server: Boys and Girls, 4 th grade and older through adult. Contact: the parish office at 952-935-1432.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are commissioned through the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and serve at the Pastor’s discretion. Ministers must be confirmed, have a love for the Eucharist, have a good reputation in the community, live in union with the Church and her teachings, and, if married, have a valid Sacramental Marriage in the Catholic Church. Contact: the parish office.
Gift Bearers: Gifts of Bread and Wine brought up at the Offertory during Mass. The Sacristan selects volunteers before each Mass.
Greeters: Be present before Mass to greet and welcome parishioners. There is a sign-up in the Gather Space; feel free to choose a weekend Mass (or two) that work with your schedule.
Lector: Must be a member of IHM Parish and be confirmed. Time commitment is preparation and reading during mass one or two months per year. Readings are provided in advance, and training will be given to new volunteers. Contact: the parish office.
Daily Mass Lector: Responsible for proclaiming the scripture reading and Psalm for that day and also to assist the celebrant with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. Commitment would be 1 full week every 6-8 weeks. Training provided. Contact: Pam Sutherland 952-935-1432.
Daily Mass Sacristan: Assist pastor by preparing the altar and worship space for daily mass. Commitment would be 1 full week every 6-8 weeks. Training provided.
Contact: Pam Sutherland 952-935-1432.
Ushers: Facilitate the smooth and reverent movement of people into, around and out of the Church environment. Participate in the collection of Sunday and/or special giving by passing the basket throughout the church during Mass. Distribute bulletins and straighten up worship space after Mass. Contact: the parish office.
Liturgical Decoration and Environment: Dress up the House of the Lord. Time commitment: a few hours around the changes of the Liturgical Church seasons (Christmas and Easter). Contact: Pam Sutherland.
Christmas Pageant Helper Assist with the Christmas Eve children's pageant. Contact: Pam Sutherland.
Music Ministry
Adult Choir: Practice on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and for 30 minutes before the 10:30 Mass on Sunday's. All are welcome.
Youth Ministry:
Youth Ministry: Contact Sam Schepers at 952-935-1432.
Youth Ministry events are designed for young people to have fun and grow closer to God with other youth. Open grades 6-12.
Involvement offers service opportunities, retreats, social, educational and spiritual. Take a chance and journey in your faith with IHM Youth Ministry
Parish Leadership
Finance Council: Each parish is required by Canon Law to have a Finance Council which serves as a consultative group to the pastor and to the parish trustees regarding all church financial matters (that is to say, the pastor must seek advice from the Committee but it does not vote democratically to set a direction.) The officers of the Finance Council are Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary – all officers are lay members appointed by the pastor to work as a team with the other Finance Council members. At IHM, there are currently seven lay members and two ex-officio members (Pastor and Business Administrator). The Parish Finance Council reviews budgets, ensures adequate resources for managing the facilities, promotes the financial health of the parish and assures accountability by assisting the pastor with his temporal responsibilities.
While the Parish Finance Council does not have decision making authority, they serve a key role in providing the pastor financial and administrative counsel. Therefore, the pastor and the members of the Parish Finance Council must be oriented to sharing information, listening, contributing to the discussion, and promoting consensus. Your Finance Council chair can be reached at [email protected].
Parish Pastoral Council: The Archbishop has affirmed that all parishes should have a Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council is a consultative group of ten lay members who work with the Pastor to make recommendations concerning the direction of all parish programs and ministries and helps to articulate and foster stewardship as a way of life in our parish. The Pastoral Council is key in assisting the Pastor to communicate and develop the overall mission of the church and to help ensure that all parish ministries, faith formation, liturgy, and other programs and events are in alignment with that mission. The Pastor and the Business Administrator serve on the Council in an ex-officio capacity. Your Pastoral Council chair can be reached at [email protected]
Stewardship Committee: Support the Pastor by encouraging and educating parishioners in fulfilling their Christian responsibilities by creating and implementing annual motivational time, talent and treasure campaigns. Time and Talent volunteer initiative takes place annually. For involvement in time and talent, contact the parish office at 952-935-1432. Pledge drive takes place in the fall. For involvement in treasure, contact the Kellie Dennehy, Business Administrator at
952-935-1432 Ext. 1208.
Parish Outreach Ministries
Funeral Lunch Ministry/Good Sams: Volunteer to help serve and clean up at funeral luncheons. Commitment: Many hands mean less work, so please consider how you can help us. Approx. 4-5 times per year.
Contact: the parish office at 952-935-1432.
Ministers of Care: These ministers respond to their baptismal call to serve others with a compassionate spirit. Time commitment: attend formation sessions; attend monthly enrichment speaker series; visit and/or bring Eucharist weekly or biweekly to those who are unable to come to church; be a listening presence to persons experiencing times of life transition.
Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432..
Eucharist to the Homebound/Hospital. Ministers visit and bring the Eucharist weekly to those who are homebound, in Care Centers and in medical facilities.
Visiting the Homebound: Ministers visit weekly those who are homebound and in Care Centers to share fellowship that extends beyond the church walls .
Ministers of Eucharist at Methodist Hospital: These ministers bring Communion to Roman Catholic patients at Methodist Hospital on Wednesdays. Contact Beryl McHale 952-937-2983.
Remembrance Luncheon: An informal gathering on the 4 th Thursday of each month with a luncheon, for those persons in the IHM parish who have lost a loved one.
Prayer Shawl: Knitting/crocheting prayer shawls to bring comfort, strength and peace to persons who are ill, hospitalized or just want to be wrapped in the prayerful support of a caring community. Meet monthly to knit and crochet shawls and to pray over shawls being created and those completed. Contact: Bonnie Brynteson, 952-934-3511.
Prayer Ministry: Volunteers needed to pray for the welfare and intentions of our community. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432..
Parish Outreach
ICA/Food Shelf: Provide food and monetary gifts throughout the year. Special drives are done in November (Thanksgiving Drive); Minnesota Food Share & Empty Bowls in March; Peanut Butter & Jelly in July for summer months when children are out of school. Contact: Darlene Meixell 952-934-9237.
Sandwich Makers: Make sandwiches several times a year at IHM for the Sandwich Project MN (serving the homeless/needy on the streets of Minneapolis). Watch for sign-ups.
Blanket Ministry: Assemble at home Fleece Blanket Kits, available at the table outside the Parish Office, and then return finished blankets. Blankets are donated to Sharing and Caring Hands, who are thrilled to receive these blankets and distribute to those in need. Knitted, crocheted, homemade quilts and NEW blankets are welcome and also donated to Sharing and Caring Hands. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432.
Respect Life Ministry: Promote awareness of pro-life issues and respect for all life through prayer, education, service, and advocacy. Approximately six meetings per year. Males and females of all ages are welcome. Contact: the parish office at 952-935-1432.
Sacred Heart Seminary: Support Sacred Heart Seminary and Fr. Matthew Odong with prayer and monetary donations. Contact the parish office at 952-935-1432.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers: IHM volunteers ring the bells for the Salvation Army during the Christmas season. Contact: Paul Lehman 952-934-5315.
Hearts and Hands Ministry
Garden Maintenance and Upkeep: Enhance the Church surroundings by maintaining the garden areas and planters throughout the year. Select, purchase and plant the flowers in the planters in the spring and maintain (water) throughout the summer months. Change out the planters and decorate for the winter months. Assist the Grounds Maintenance committee as needed. Contact: the Parish office at 952-935-1432.
Grounds Crew (Upkeep of Church Grounds): Maintain the beauty of the church grounds (landscaped areas, parking lots, lawns) by picking up trash, pulling weeds, removing fall leaves and trimming shrubs and trees. Work, except for the fall leaf pickup, can be done at your convenience. No meetings – all email. Contact: Steve Wolf 952-933-1501.
Upkeep of Worship Space: These ministers are part of a team of parishioners who help keep the sanctuary of our church clean and orderly. Time commitment: quarterly, two days a month, maximum – one hour each time. Both weekday and weekend opportunities available. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432.
Special Talents and Skills: Special talents and expertise that are not part of regular committees: may include painting, tile work, carpet laying, HVAC, carpentry, office work, mailings, computer data base, communications, website expertise, child care. Contact: Kellie Dennehy, Business Administrator 952-935-1432 Ext 1208.
Parish Social Activities
Men’s Club: (All Parish Men Welcome): The IHM Men’s Club is an organization that provides an atmosphere for fostering Christian fellowship and a sense of community among the men of the parish aimed at strengthening family life in our parish. The MC conducts fund-raising activities throughout the year and with the funds raised, the MC makes financial contributions to the Church and/or other ministries within the parish. The MC may also perform various service projects on behalf of the parish. Events include but are not limited to the annual Winter Thaw Dinner, Lenten Fish Dinners, Pancake Breakfast, and other social events. Contact: the Parish Office at 952-935-1432.
Women's Ministry (Under Construction): There is a strong interest to "set in motion" a Women's Group here at IHM promoting faith, fun and fellowship in our female parishioners. To establish a group like this will need the help of many. This fall we will have an informational meeting where we will share our thoughts and ideas as we move forward to form the necessary committee/board that will work to launch this important ministry in our parish. Contact Pam Sutherland at 952-935-1432.
55 & Better: Plan monthly gatherings with those over 55 for a luncheon and speaker or entertainment and plan group outings. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432.
Youth/Young Adult Ministry
Youth Ministry Adult Leadership members: Lead small groups; give talks; assist in leading teens into a deeper relationship with Christ. We are looking for adults of all ages who love their faith, who love teens, and who are interested in mentoring the next generation of the Catholic Church. If you are called to this great mission and would like to develop your gift of leadership please contact Sam Schepers at 952-935-1432.
Young Adult Ministry (Ages 18-39) Through opportunities of service, fun, and prayer we build friendships with one another, grow through hands on service opportunities in our greater community, and further develop our individual relationships with Christ. We often partner with the young adult organizations throughout the diocese to offer exposure to our greater young adult Catholic community. Contact Sam Schepers at 952-935-1432.