"Each of us has a part to play,
a gift to share,
a service to offer
for building up the Body of Christ in love."
Pope Francis
Stewardship: your gift of time, talent and financial resources
Stewardship as a way of life invites Catholics to offer back to God the “first-fruits” of their lives to support their parish, its programs and associated ministries. Everyone has something to give, and every gift, big or small, is truly a blessing to your church, to your community and a thanksgiving to God. This commitment of your time, of your talent and of your financial resources is important and Immaculate Heart of Mary Church cannot thrive without every member’s personal and financial support. Therefore, we hope that you will pray and carefully discern how you can joyfully support the many ministries and needs of the parish.
Financial giving and donations can be made weekly via parish envelopes, electronically through direct debits from your checking or savings account, through stock transfers, investments, trusts and by simply placing cash in the collection baskets during Mass. We also have parish endowments at the Catholic Community Foundation (http://www.ccf-mn.org/) in funds which provide interest income designated for tuition assistance, youth and faith formation, Catholic Charities, Maintenance and Operations. Another way to show joyful support is to volunteer your time and talent. Please consider sharing your special skills with the church and contact the Parish Office or an individual staff member or parishioner in a leadership position for details about the specific opportunities available.
Parish fun-raisers, like Oktoberfest, Trunk or Treat, the Mardi Gras Dinner and the Block Party are additional events that build community and provide another opportunity to share of your time, talent and of course your treasure. Immaculate Heart of Mary is blessed with many wonderful, generous and talented people – if you are not currently involved and desire to be, any of your parish leadership or staff would be happy to help you get connected and engaged.
Time and Talent Ministries
You can read about some of the many ministry opportunities available at IHM. Our participation makes our Parish a strong faith community. Thank you for participating financially and sharing your gifts of time and talent. If you have any questions or if you want to participate, please call the contact person identified with each ministry or the Parish office at 952-935-1432.
Faith Formation: Offers formational programs for those from three years old through adult.
Adult Faith Formation: Contact Parish Office.
The Parish Choir:
The Parish Choir (comprised of both men and women, primarily sings at 10:30 Sunday Mass as well as certain Holy Days (Easter Triduum, Pentacost, Immaculate Conception, as well as the Wednesday evening Mass before Thanksgiving Day).
The Parish Choir is the principal liturgical choir for the parish and sings for all major liturgies throughout the liturgical year. Singing music ranging from Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony to that of contemporary composers, the Parish Choir always welcomes new singers! A level of comfortability in reading music is encouraged but not required. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:30 p.m. and are open to anyone in high school or beyond, providing a meaningful social outlet while enhancing the worship of our community. On Sundays, the choir meets at 9:45 a.m. to warm up and prepare for the Sunday 10:30 Mass.
Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information.
About the music at Immaculate Heart of Mary:
Gathered together around the tables of both word and sacrament, we are the body of Christ called to prayer. This is the heart of our liturgical celebrations here at Immaculate Heart of Mary. All are welcomed and encouraged to fully, consciously, and actively engage in the coming together, the listening, the responding, the singing, the receiving, and the accepting of the mission to go forth and glorify the Lord by our lives.
At Immaculate Heart of Mary, music is integral to our worship and takes on many styles and forms, from chant to gospel, from hymns to contemporary songs. The organ and piano are used interchangeably and choirs of adult voices and cantors often greet and support us in our song, always mindful that the assembly is the primary minister of music.
Sung prayer gathers our many voices into one, builds us up as the body of Christ, and sends us forth to love and serve our God through our loving service to one another.
Prayer Shawl: Knitting/crocheting prayer shawls to bring comfort, strength and peace to persons who are ill, hospitalized or just want to be wrapped in the prayerful support of a caring community. Meet monthly to knit and crochet shawls and to pray over shawls being created and those completed. Contact: Bonnie Brynteson, 952-934-3511.
Prayer Ministry: Volunteers needed to pray for the welfare and intentions of our community.
Parish Outreach
ICA/Food Shelf: Provide food and monetary gifts throughout the year. Special drives are done in November (Thanksgiving Drive); Minnesota Food Share & Empty Bowls in March; Peanut Butter & Jelly in June for summer months when children are out of school. Contact: Darlene Meixell 952-934-9237.
Respect Life Ministry: Promote awareness of pro-life issues and respect for all life through prayer, education, service, and advocacy. All ages are welcome. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information.
Sacred Heart Seminary: Support Sacred Heart Seminary and Fr. Matthew Odong with prayer and monetary donations. Contact: Parish Office 952-935-1432.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers: IHM volunteers ring the bells for the Salvation Army during the Christmas season. Contact: Paul Lehman 952-934-5315.
Minnetonka/Hopkins Family Resource Center in Hopkins: Parishioners are invited to collect school supplies in Aug/Sept and warm winter wear in December. Check the bulletin or website closer to these collection times for more information.
Hearts and Hands Ministry
Garden Maintenance and Upkeep: Enhance the Church surroundings by maintaining the garden areas and planters throughout the year. Select, purchase and plant the flowers in the planters in the spring and maintain (water) throughout the summer months. Change out the planters and decorate for the winter months. Assist the Grounds Maintenance committee as needed. Contact the parish office at 952-935-1432.
Grounds Crew (Upkeep of Church Grounds): Maintain the beauty of the church grounds (landscaped areas, parking lots, lawns) by picking up trash, pulling weeds, removing fall leaves and trimming shrubs and trees. Work, except for the fall leaf pickup, can be done at your convenience. No meetings – all email. Contact: Steve Wolf 952-933-1501.
Upkeep of Worship Space: These ministers are part of a team of parishioners who help keep the sanctuary of our church clean and orderly. Time commitment: quarterly, two days a month, maximum – one hour each time. Both weekday and weekend opportunities available. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information.
Special Talents and Skills: Special talents and expertise that are not part of regular committees: may include painting, tile work, carpet laying, HVAC, carpentry, office work, mailings, computer data base, communications, website expertise, child care. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information.
Parish Social Activities
Men’s Club: (All Parish Men Welcome): The IHM Men’s Club is an organization that provides an atmosphere for fostering Christian fellowship and a sense of community among the men of the parish aimed at strengthening family life in our parish. The MC conducts fund-raising activities throughout the year and with the funds raised, the MC makes financial contributions to the Church and/or other ministries within the parish. The MC may also perform various service projects on behalf of the parish. Events include but are not limited to Lenten Fish Dinners and other social events. Contact Parish office at 952-935-1432.
Women of Immaculate Heart of Mary (WIHM): All women are welcome to join our women's group promoting faith, fun and fellowship. We meet the fourth Tuesday of every month (September-May) from 7-9PM. We might have a speaker or an activity, but we always save time for getting to know one another in a relaxing environment. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information, or check the bulletin and website for the events.
Hospitality: Hospitality in our parish is the sense of openness and warmth people feel when they come into our midst. Regular hospitality is hosted on the 2nd weekend of each month after each Mass serving treats and beverages. Hospitality is also hosted for other parish social events such as Ministry Fair, Growler Satruday, Halloween Party, Pie Social, Mardi Gras, Easter Egg Hunt, Mother's and Father's Day; along with celebrations of First Communion, Confirmation and other special anniversaries and events. Volunteers are needed to help with set up, serving and clean up at these events. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information.
55 & Better: Plan monthly gatherings with those over 55 for a luncheon and speaker or entertainment and plan group outings. Contact the Parish Office at 952-935-1432 for more information.